« Ma voix multiple qui soulève ces corps... »

Performance, Visual art / Beaux Arts de Paris, 2024

PIN12 and Ginkgökoko present a sound performance on June 27 at 7pm. Inspired by the writings and practice of Gloria Anzaldúa, members of the PIN12 collective present a sound piece in collaboration with artist Ginkgökoko for the Autohistorias exhibition at Beaux-Arts de Paris.

The creation “...Ma voix multiple qui soulève ces corps” (My multiple voice lifting these bodies) brings to light a mesh of self-narratives, a polyphony of artists inheriting Algerian and Vietnamese histories in tension since post-coloniality. Writing their histories and recording their gaps, these women's voices resonate with Ginkgökoko's musical composition. Linking healing and electroacoustic music, her organic universe is inspired by music therapy and ecopoetics.

For a time, “to carve out a future that is perhaps more collaborative, more shared, more attentive too”.

Photo credits: Marina Chetboun
Visual art generated from flower tree's pictures